The Perfect Caterer!

Northern Virginia Caterer
Having Fun!

Sometimes a blog post will be bits of this and that, and today is one of those.  Becky, Anita and Ruth in a moment of Silly.  We cater all through the Washington DC Metropolitan area, and we try to grab the laughs when we can.  I love my staff dearly and couldn’t do the job without each and every one of them.
Being Serious.

 Catering a recent wedding at the Ida Lee Recreation Center
Becky and Ruth hard at work creating our Quesadilla Wedges with Salsa. 

We never know what we might find in a venue with regards to the kitchen.  Ida Lee had a great kitchen facility…yet the oven seemed to be possessed.

catering a wedding reception at Ida Lee Recreation Leesburg VA
When Ovens Bite

 As a local Washington DC and Northern Virginia Catering Company, we do additional styles of events besides wedding receptions.  We recently catered an awards ceremony dinner at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington VA
It featured a beautiful room filled with natural light and local art work, and just a hop and skip down the road from DC. 

catering a church award dinner with Catering By Teatime
Arlington VA Church Awards Dinner

The opposite of awesome kitchen would be a cocktail reception at the Dolly Madison House in Washington DC in the Coat Closet.

catering a reception in Washington DC
You just work with what you have!

 And speaking of unusual kitchens, how about unusual vegetation?  I walked out my front door and spotted what I thought was a ball that one of the neighborhood kids kicked into my garden.  Um, nope.  This puppy was a MUSHROOM.

Gigantic Mushroom

 I supposed I should not be surprised as to what happens in this patch of garden given who visited the week before..
Itty Bitty Spider?  Not.

Being a caterer for over 30 years has brought me joy, laughter, and a lot of hard work.  It’s also introduced me to some of the most interesting and fabulous clients.  I consider myself blessed that I get up every morning to embrace a job I love, and working with dedicated staff.  Contact us today for your next celebration!