What’s New At Teatime Catering? Vegetables?!

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Tastes like CANDY!!
catering washington DC
Tastes like MORE CANDY!!
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Grilling Mushrooms for dinner!

I admit it:  I hated vegetables.  I grew up in a generation where mom cooked the fresh garden green beans until the option for actual chewing wasn’t necessary.  And we had those bad boys everyday for about 6 weeks during peak season.  Never actually saw a fresh mushroom until adulthood.  Tomatoes came in little cellophane packages.  (one exception:  fresh corn on cob always delivered!!)
Flash forward to today’s local farmer’s market.  Where have these little golden grape tomatoes been hiding all my life?  When I discovered these marvelous orbs I could barely get them home without devouring the entire box.  They really are nature’s candy.  I know you are NEVER supposed to put fresh tomatoes in the refrigerator, it dulls their flavor, but on a hot day these little guys absolutely rock when they are chilled. They just explode in your mouth! 
And our favorite way to enjoy fresh portobello mushrooms is to marinade briefly in any Italian salad dressing you have on hand and grill till barely tender, serve on a wheat roll – sliced heirloom tomato – feta cheese. 
Oven roasted broccoli florets with chili garlic sauce.  Oven roasted fresh asparagus spears with olive oil and sea salt.  KALE CHIPS??!! 
Consider me a convert.